What does a Front-End Developer do?

 A Front-End Developer is responsible for the development of the user interface of the website. In general, frontend developer skills include working on the design & layout aspects of the websites alike Back-End Developers who are responsible for server-side processes such as database management, API integration, etc. A Front-End Developer is also concerned with the implementation of visual elements that can enhance the website performance and can provide a better user experience.

Roles & Responsibilities of Front-End Developers

  • Implementation of web design and structure

  • Come up with different ideas to enhance the user experience

  • Ensures that the web design is responsive, secure & scalable

  • Stay updated with the latest web design trends, etc.

So, as of now, you have known about who is a Front-End Developer and what are its roles & responsibilities. Now let’s move forward and discuss the pathway that one needs to follow to make a career in the Front-End Development domain. Firstly you need to keep in mind that there are not any specific educational qualifications that you need to possess to become a Front-End Developer. Whether you’re any graduate or non-graduate, experienced or fresher – if you want to learn Front-End Development to make a career in it then yes you can!! All you need to do is command over the required technical and non-technical skills with practical exposure.

However, you may have heard about getting a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science or any other related field to make a career as a Front-End Developer, right? This is said because of a few noteworthy reasons – first, having a relevant academic background helps you to understand the fundamentals of computer programming and web development more comprehensively which further helps you a lot while learning front-end development. Secondly, various companies require candidates to have a particular degree while recruiting for Front-End Developers, so it becomes easier for you to get some worthwhile career opportunities.

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